
Wow. Where has the time gone??I can’t believe that tomorrow is the first day of fall! So much has happened over this summer, and I don’t even think there is time to recap. One to bigger and better things! The first of those things being my review of a new product, the Keurig 2.0. I was lucky even to be selected by Influenster to receive a complimentary Keurig 2.0 to test out! So here is how the new model looks….

photo 5

Nice sleek design. Love the clock and night light functions! Now let’s get a cup of coffee brewing!

photo 1

The processing display lets you know the water is heating up.

photo 2

The display and settings menu lets you pick your brewing option. Today we are going for a 4-5 cup Carafe.

photo 3

Push the button in the middle once the coffee pod is loaded to get the coffee brewing.
photo 4

The machine will tell you that it is brewing away!


Then it is time to pour yourself a nice hot cup of coffee! (Lost the first picture of the final product, so made another pot and took a new pic, which is why the time is off.)

Some of the Pros….
1) Can now brew into a Carafe! Which can make 4-5 cups at one time and is perfect when you have guests over!
2) Sleek design
3) Automatic brew function. Love that my cup of coffee can be waiting for me in the morning!
4) Can select the size and strength of the coffee you like, and mark it as a favorite so it will remember your setting for you.
4) Night light function and color of light choices. It just adds a nice glow to the kitchen!

Now some of the Cons…
1) You can’t yet use a refillable coffee holder in the 2.0 version. This means using a lot of pods which can add up in price and in plastic waste. Definitely hope they come out with a refillable pod holder for this soon!
2) The pods that you due use have to have the Keurig log on them, which limits the types you can use.

Overall, I do like the Keurig 2.0. I especially like the Carafe option. However, the downfall is I now have to use Keurig brand pods with it, which is going to get pricey, so I’ll have to save them for special occasions!

Has anyone else tried the Keurig 2.0? What are your opinions??

Disclaimer: The Keurig 2.0 was sent me complimentary from Influenster to review. However, the review and comments are my own opinion.